The Importance of Math and Technologies in the Classroom

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The Importance of Math and Technologies in the Classroom

Mathematical research and the development technology are inextricably related. Mathematicians are at the forefront of the development of technology in the modern age. Mathematical principles are used in the creation of medical treatments, the design of transportation systems, as well as the creation of energy sources that are efficient.

Many students don’t understand why math is important in their lives. Technology in the classroom can help students make these connections. Interactive worksheets and data visualization tools can assist students in learning about math applications. They can engage in games that help them practice and solve problems. Teachers can engage students in math by providing them with these experiences and demonstrating that math is relevant to daily life.

Research also suggests that content-specific apps and websites that allow students to use virtual manipulatives can be as effective as physical manipulatives in helping students engage and understanding. Rekenreks, as an example, and geoboards provide virtual tools that allow students to easily visualize and communicate numbers. They can be used to aid in problem solving, number sense, and reasoning through algebra.

The use of technology to reduce time in the classroom is possible by allowing students the option to work using data instead of manually calculating them. This lets them concentrate more on the significance of the data as well as the relationships between the variables involved in the issue. Students can this article input data to answer graphing and a computer software program can draw the graph.

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